Thursday 1 December 2011

Union and Division: New Approaches to the National Tale

Speaker: Prof. Claire Connolly, University of Cardiff, the O’Brien Visiting Scholar in Canadian Irish Studies at Concordia University
Time: 2.30 pm, on Thursday, Dec. 1
Place: 1811 Dunton Tower (the Gordon Wood Lounge)
CORAL is delighted to announce our second speaker this term: Dr. Claire Connolly, of Cardiff University, currently the O'Brien Visiting Scholar in Canadian Irish Studies at Concordia.  Dr. Connolly is one of the leading scholars working on the Irish National Tale, and has just published A Cultural History of the Irish Novel, 1790-1825 with the Cambridge University Press. 

Her talk is entitled "Union and Division: New Approaches to the National Tale."  The Irish National Tale is highly charged in its sectarian politics, its sexual politics, its visions of Ireland's past and future, and its experiments with different narrating voices.  Although it is rooted in the turbulence of Irish politics during the years of rebellion and the Act of Union of 1801, this genre's concerns resonate with all kinds of literary scholars.

Claire will be coming from Montreal to speak - please come and catch her talk before she returns to the U.K.!
Published by Bowles and Carver in London, c. 1793, after Robert Dighton.  Image courtesy of the British Museum.